Personal Finance Coaching

Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to money? How do you know if you’re “on track”, and what does that even mean? How should you start? If you are ready for your money to work for you but don’t know what to do, a 1-1 coaching session may be just the trick!

These sessions ARE NOT financial advice, they ARE coaching and education.


Anyone offering financial advice should be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism, especially when it comes to investing. I don’t promise untold riches or the next hot stock pick. I won’t tell you what to do. I will help educate and explore options with you so that you can make the best decisions for yourself (because you’re the only one who can make them). Think about how long you’ve spent researching and struggling to figure out what it is that you’re currently focused on. How much easier and more efficient could that process be with my help? If I don’t think I can add value then I’ll say so and save us both the time.

Topics can include but are not limited to:

  • Debt (organize, eliminate, then celebrate)

  • Goal Setting (where do you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years)

  • Budgeting (how to make one and stick to it)

  • College and Career (should you go, where to go, and what to go for)

  • Investing (from stocks and bonds to cryptocurrencies and NFTs)

  • Real Estate (renting for yourself, buying a house, or rental properties)

  • Retirement (how much will you need and when)


I AM NOT a: financial advisor (SEC definition), broker-dealer (buy/sell securities), CFP (Certified Financial Planner), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant), or asset/fund/investment/portfolio manager. If you’d like to work with any of these fine folks go right ahead. Please make sure that they are acting as a fiduciary and not just following a suitability standard. I’m not at all offended if you don’t want to work with me but it’s very important whoever you do work with has your best interests above their own.

I AM a financial coach. This is a title that means basically nothing, seriously. I suggest that you treat me like a stranger from the internet, unless you know me in real life… in which case that would be weird. Look at my credentials/background, the content I create, and my motivations when deciding if you’d like to work with me.

  • I’m currently a math teacher (former securities trader, actuary, and sales consultant)

  • I’ve got my bachelor’s degree in mathematics and political science and my masters degree in data analytics

  • I make personal finance content that explores the ideas and shows how things work rather than nonsense get rich schemes

  • I want to work with individuals who want to invest in themselves

  • I’m here to educate and explain, not to pretend I know everything and make empty promises


I have a mortgage, am a pretty big fan of electricity, and enjoy eating every day. Sessions like these are a way for me to work 1-1 with people while monetizing what I do so that I can continue producing videos and articles for free for everyone. Time is money! If the time we spend working together leads to you saving or earning at least what you paid, then it will have been worth it. That’s the mutual goal and I’m confident we can achieve it.

  • 25 minutes for $50

  • 55 minutes for $100

  • 1 hour and 25 minutes for $150

  • 1 hour and 55 minutes for $200

Requesting a Session:

Currently sessions are on a request basis scheduled via email. Apologies in advance for any delayed responses in coordinating times. If you’re interested or have further questions please contact: with the subject “Personal Finance Coaching”.